Friday, March 16, 2018

Jinxed Trilogy
Book One
Thommy Hutson

Genre: YA Horror/Thriller

Publisher: Vesuvian Books

Date of Publication: 3.13.2018

ISBN: 978-1944109127

Number of pages: 243
Word Count: 66k

Cover Artist: Sam Shearon

Tagline: High school can be a real killer

Book Description:

Break a mirror
Walk under a ladder
Step on a crack

Innocent childhood superstitions…

But someone at the Trask Academy of Performing Arts is taking things one deadly step further when the campus is rocked with the deaths of some of its star students.

Layna Curtis, a talented, popular senior, soon realizes that the seemingly random, accidental deaths of her friends aren't random—or accidents—at all. Someone has taken the childhood games too far, using the idea of superstitions to dispose of their classmates. As Layna tries to convince people of her theory, she uncovers the terrifying notion that each escalating, gruesome murder leads closer to its final victim: her.

Will Layna's opening night also be her final bow?

Amazon     BN     Kobo     Apple     Books2Read       Amazon Print

        Excerpt 5

“Stop turning off the lights!” Alice yelled to the doors, to the person she didn’t see but knew must be there. She hoped it was Daniel, or someone she knew.
The lights continued to go out. Alice felt a physical weight press upon her at the thought that her keys were so far from her, now in a sea of darkness.
They were also near the exit. She felt like a child again, when she was afraid to stay at her grandparents’ house. It was there her grandfather, the father of her mother, had threatened to put her in the basement if she was a bad girl. It only took one time for him to show her how the darkness crept up the stairs from the damp, dirt floor for her to be silent, and good, each time. It seemed even now that she could smell the musty air of Pawpaw’s basement.
The light above her went off. Everything was cloaked in darkness, save for the pale shafts of moonlight that fell in from the skylights above.
“Damn,” Alice mumbled. She grabbed her bag, opened it, and shoved her hand around the contents. She pulled out a mini flashlight and turned it on. Its small halo of light was barely enough to illuminate more than a few feet in front of her, but it was all she had. She took her first hesitant step forward, only to be stopped by a sudden flash of lightning. It was followed by a crackle of thunder that simmered before exploding into a boom that she felt.
Alice looked up. She couldn’t see the first drops of rain, but she could hear the noise they made when they hit the glass high above her.
The darkness and the coming storm coalesced into something which found its way under Alice’s skin. She was upset, she was scared. But she needed to get her keys and get out of there.
Through the intermittent thunder and lightning, Alice stepped forward, guided by the glow of her flashlight. She focused on the bright red letters of the exit sign ahead of her. She looked to her left. The darkness overcame even the bookcases that were only a few feet away. It made her wonder what might be hiding. What waited to get her.
Alice shook her head. “Get a grip.” But she hated having to do this. Of course, there was nothing behind her, nothing around her. But at the same time, she could be wrong.
A burst of air hit her from behind. Something rushed past her.
“Who’s there? Who is that?” She scanned the area with her flashlight.
There was no reply but thunder. Alice turned back, accelerated her pace, and ran to her goal, the keys ahead. Finally, she made it. She bent down to pick them up and saw the cat was no longer on them. She manipulated the keychain and keys around in her hand as if she could somehow find the white fluff of the cat. It was futile. The cat was gone. It had been torn off.
Alice had had enough. She ran to the exit and yanked on the doors. But they were locked. She pulled on them, harder. They would not give.
“No!” she yelled as panic rose within her. She stepped to the thin window next to the door and pressed her face against it. She could barely see anything through the antique, bubbled glass and the streaks of rain that came down harder and harder.
“Damn.” She looked at the keys in her hand, then back to the hallways she had traversed in the dark. She turned toward the door again and tried to see out the window. A flash of lightning illuminated the outside, but there was no one to be seen.
When the lightning faded, and the thunder stopped its song, she backed an inch away from the glass and stared at her own reflection.
And that was when she saw the distorted, twisted mask of the killer pop up behind her.

About the Author:

Thommy Hutson is an award-winning screenwriter, producer, and author who is considered the foremost authority on A Nightmare on Elm Street. A graduate of UCLA, Thommy also wrote and produced critically acclaimed genre projects such as Scream: The Inside Story, Never Sleep Again: The Elm Street Legacy, More Brains! A Return of the Living Dead, His Name was Jason: 30 Years of Friday the 13th, and Crystal Lake Memories: The Complete History of Friday the 13th.

Thommy was born and raised in New York but now resides in Southern California with his husband and their cat.

Tuesday, December 12, 2017

A Path Through by Janna Olsen Spratt

A Path Through
Janna Olsen Spratt

Genre: Memoirs/Biography

Publisher: Book Venture Publishing LLC

Date of Publication: 08/21/2017

ISBN: 978-1-64069-799-7

Number of pages: 106

Book Description:

In this tribute to the faithfulness of God, the author shows the thread woven through everything from the car accident they walked away from which totaled the car to the last chapter of finding purpose in the pain of being alone. This is a story of overcoming poverty, early marriage, divorce and finding love a second time around. It’s a story of a parent’s tenacity in prayer for a wayward child and of holding on to faith when a seventeen year old grandson dies suddenly at school.

God promised He would take us through the trials.


Little did I know as I packed my books in February that I would unpack them two months later. And as I prayed for the Lord to lead us to where we should go, I did not know that my husband, Larry, and I would not be going to the same place.
We were planning to move back to the Abbotsford, Langley, area in BC where we had lived some twelve years earlier. It all started with a conversation over lunch with Dwayne and Maureen, our son and our daughter-in-law. We were talking about seniors’ housing being in short supply and that it might be a good idea for us to think about where we would like to live and putting our name into some places.
Our plan was to move back to the coast into an apartment, and from there we could decide which seniors’ housing would be the right place for us to make an application for. We needed to look for an apartment there, so we decided we would drive to Surrey to visit our son, Dustin, and his family, and from there we would search.
Larry would be eighty years old on March 4, and we could celebrate his birthday as well as look for a place at the same time. Our children planned a big party with our family and friends. This was a milestone for Larry because his life had nearly been cut short a few times before this, and making it this far was somewhat of a miracle.
Someone has said, “If you want to make God laugh, tell Him your plans.” We were praying about what we should do, and it seemed to us that this was a way to test the waters. We left Castlegar the morning of March
1. Our plan was to travel halfway, stay overnight at Princeton, and finish the trip the next day.
We would be traveling through mountain passes which could have snow on the highway, so we wanted to give ourselves lots of time. Larry was a truck driver with more than three million miles behind him, so he was not too concerned about driving.
Although there was quite a bit of snow in the first pass, we made good time, arriving in Princeton early in the afternoon. The next morning after breakfast, we set out for the final part of our trip. It was a beautiful, sunny day, and we felt good about the trip thus far.
There was quite a lot of snow on the Hope-Princeton Highway, but
Larry was not concerned. Our 2008 Toyota seemed to handle the road conditions well. When we passed the Hope turnoff and began the divided freeway with two lanes going each way, we felt we had it made. The worst was over!
We passed a semi and were still in the left lane when suddenly the left front wheel got caught in a deep pothole. Larry struggled desperately to keep the car on the road, but it seemed as if a force stronger than him wrenched the wheel out of his hands, and we were immediately airborne.
I called out, “Lord, help us,” as the car flew off the road into the median which was full of snow.
Everything happened so fast; it seemed as if we were watching a movie, spellbound. We sat there with our seat belts on while the car careened crazily down the embankment, spinning around and doing donuts and other turns. As we spun around, there was a lot of snow going across the windshield. The back end of the car slammed into the snowbank as we fishtailed, and the trunk opened, spilling suitcases and some of the other contents.
As the car was spinning and slamming into banks, the big back window smashed in, as well as the backside windows. The backseat was filled with snow. My glasses flew off and were later found in the snow in the backseat, and my left hearing aid flew out and was later found on the dash.
At one point we started to climb the bank toward the traffic on the eastbound side, but it was a steep incline, and we were kept from going there. For one second I saw it, I thought we might go into it; but instead the car rolled back, turned, and came to rest on its right side on two wheels leaning against a snow-covered bank. Larry had to brace himself with his feet in order not to fall down on me.
In the midst of all this turmoil, we sat there with our seat belts on.
Strangely, we felt protected. The front window did not even have a crack in it, the front side windows were untouched, and the air bags did not deploy.
We were not seriously injured.
I reached for my cell phone, began dialing 911, and then a man was standing there, peering in the front window, asking if we were all right.
We shouted we were okay. Just then two RCMP officers appeared. They were traveling by and saw what happened. One of them had been headed west, and the other one was headed east. Coincidence?
A truck driver had stopped and come to help, as well as some other men. There were at least six men there. When we said we were all right, with us still in the car, they put the car back on four wheels. They opened the doors and helped us out of the car, asking again and again, “Are you sure you are all right?” We assured them we were a little shaken but otherwise all right.
We each had two men, one on each side, holding on to us as we trudged through the deep snow across the median and up the bank to the highway. We waited in the police car until the ambulance came. After the paramedics checked us out and the police took our statements, we were taken to the Fraser Canyon Hospital at Hope, British Columbia, for further examination.

Besides being shaken up, Larry had some cuts on his hands and arms which were quickly bandaged. The cuts were probably from the shattered glass when the back windows smashed. I had a black eye. I must have banged my head on the window frame, although I did not remember just when it happened.

About the Author:

Janna Spratt is the author of a collection of poetry, QUIET REFLECTIONS, and two children’s books; BILLY GOAT AND THE RED NECKERCHIEF and FUN AT NANA’S HOUSE. After she was widowed in 2011, she found a passion for life in writing. This fourth book is her story of faith in God that does not quit in spite of the challenges that come. Her goal is to realize her God given purpose in life and to live it to the best of her ability.

Monday, November 27, 2017

Cyber Monday Steals Deals and Freebies

The Christmas Experience
Meredith Manor Hotel
Book One
Katherine Moore

Christmas comes but once a year but this year, Meredith Manor Hotel in scenic Silver Birch, Washington, is celebrating the holiday almost a dozen different ways. Guests can choose their "experience" from a selection of themed celebrations filled with food and drink and love and laughter. (Yes, there are recipes.)


When unemployed accountant Miranda Weston takes a temp job at the hotel her best friend's family owns, she never dreams that her friend's globe-trotting brother will show up to celebrate the holiday and complicate her life. Peter Meredith broke Miranda's heart years ago and it's still a little tender at the broken places. She's not the lovestruck teenager she once was and he's changed too, and as guests come and go and the staff works hard to deliver Christmas magic, the season works a little magic on them as well.

But Miranda's complicated relationship with the man who may just be the love of her life is only one of the storylines playing out among the hotel staff and the guests gathered for the various "Christmas Experiences" offered at the Meredith Manor Hotel.

This is a short, cozy Christmas romance novel for fans of movies like Love, Actually and Valentine's Day and the books of Katie Flynn, Trisha Ashley, and Cathy Kelly.

The Christmas Experience celebrates love and family, and all the season means.

The Christmas Experience is the first in a series of seasonal stories featuring a large, diverse, totally engaging cast of lovable characters who will have readers wishing Meredith Manor Hotel was an actual destination.

Get The Christmas Experience for .99 at Amazon

Scarred Beauty 
Wylder Tales 
Book Two
Jennifer Silverwood

What happens when Beauty becomes the Beast?

Vynasha has become prisoner with the other wyld beasts of the castle, but she is not alone. In the howling darkness her majikal bond with the Dungeon Master, Grendall, grows, awakening the dormant power in her blood. 

Yet as she discovers the true nature of the other beasts, she learns she must embrace madness in order to free them all. Vynasha is willing to do anything to end the curse, even if that means transforming into a monster.

Buried secrets come to light in this seductive sequel to Craving Beauty, the Gothic retelling of the classic fairy tale of Beauty and the Beast, where nothing is exactly as it seems and the heroine must be her own hero.

.99 on Amazon

Free at    
BN       Smashwords      Kobo      iBooks

Craving Beauty
Wylder Tales 
Book One
Jennifer Silverwood

Book Description:

Vynasha has spent the last four years tending her mother's roses and looking after her nephew. The fire that killed their family has left her scarred and put Wyll on the brink of death. Soon the first frost will come down from the mountains and she knows this winter will be his last. 

Until a strange beggar appears on the road, telling her of the majikal Source that can heal her Wyll. With nothing left to lose, Vynasha braves the forbidden Wylder Mountains to seek out a cure and her fate.

A lost kingdom is uncovered by an equally lost girl, but the castle is not abandoned as she believes. Shadows cloaking unseen eyes watch. Tapestries whisper from the hidden corners, wondering if the one to break their curse has come. And a hungry beast waits, ready to devour her soul.

Get Book One Free Everywhere
Amazon       BN      Smashwords      Kobo       iBooks

Fury of a Viking
The MacLomain Series
Viking Ancestors' Kin
Book 4
Sky Purington

Shannon usually prefers the dead to the living. But then running a funeral parlor offers a different perspective. Peace and escape. Or at least it did until the day she’s summoned by her sister to their Winter Harbor chalet in Maine. Now she knows the truth. The veil between worlds is far thinner than she thought. In fact, it’s so thin she and her daughter Emily slip back in time.

Of dragon blood, Matthew Sigdir has suffered more loss than most. A wife. Sister. Now, because of a vicious enemy, possibly his son, Håkon. Infuriated, determined to find his child, he heads north over unforgiving land. What he doesn’t expect is a twenty-first century little girl and her beautiful mother, Shannon, to join him on his quest. Nor does he expect Hel to show them favor. And there’s no turning away Loki’s daughter when she offers help. Now they have to navigate not only through the elements of a wicked Scandinavian winter but Helheim itself, the underworld of the dead.

While they travel, Matthew and Shannon are forced to face their pasts. What they left behind and all that haunts them. As they do, old wounds heal. Hope grows. Love sparks. Through it all, Emily leads them ever closer to Håkon. She’s the key. But is it already too late? Will they make it in time to save Matthew's son? Or is the enemy one step ahead of them?

On Sale for .99 at Amazon

Pride of a Viking
The MacLomain Series
Viking Ancestors' Kin
Book 5
Sky Purington

Two men tore Erica’s world apart in another life. One was the man she loved and the other the enemy. Now both are back, and it’s up to her to make sure an ancient blood feud doesn’t destroy everyone she cares about. That means steering clear of her dragon mate. But sometimes memories are too strong and the past too powerful. Or so it seems when she slips back in time and ends up on an unexpected journey with a man she was determined to forget.

Having confronted who he once was and what he did in a previous life, Kodran Sigdir sets out to seek answers. He needs to better understand his part in an age old war and keep his distance from Erica. They should remain apart. Yet destiny seems to be drawing him back to her. How he once felt. All he gave up. Could things go differently this time? Or will the risk to their people be too great? Find out as Erica, Kodran and their kin go up against the enemy one last time in Pride of a Viking, the epic conclusion of Viking Ancestors’ Kin.

On Sale for .99 at Amazon

Monday, November 6, 2017

Last Chance- Holiday Extravaganza Closes for Sign Ups November 10

Authors- Put your book in the holiday spotlight with the 2017 Bewitching Book Tours Winter Holiday Extravaganza.

From December 1- 22 you will be featured with daily (Mon-Fri) Bewitching Tour Stops, Social Media Promotion and with a multi-author Facebook party in mid December
To participate you’ll need to provide details for one book you wish to promote including a high resolution jpeg of your cover and an excerpt.

You’ll also need to provide a Winter Holiday themed guest blog or a short holiday flash fiction story or poem. Your guest blog or flash fiction materials may feature Christmas, Yule, the Winter Solstice, Hanukkah, Kwanza, or whatever winter holiday you choose to celebrate with your writing. Guest blogs may be recipes, DIY Tutorials, Holiday Music Playlists, Top Ten Gift Lists, or anything related to the holidays.

For the Facebook Party you’ll need quizzes, games and a few small prizes for your author party block.

The fee for this promotion is $75 per author for one book

Limited space available, Sign Ups Close November 10 

Sign Up Here:

If the form does not work email to sign up

#holidaybookpromo #holidaybooks #christmasbookpromotions #holidaybooksales #bookpromotion #authorpromo #bookreviews #bookreviewers #authors #virtualbooktours

Thursday, September 14, 2017

Kindle Freebie September 15-19 Bewitching Brews and Devilish Desserts

Bewitching Brews and Devilish Desserts 
A Collection of Cocktail and Dessert Recipes
Edited by Roxanne Rhoads

Paperback: 50 pages

Publisher: Bewitching Books

ISBN-10: 1502947013

ISBN-13: 978-1502947017

Book Description:

Stir up a little magic from our cauldron full of cocktails and desserts. 

The authors of Bewitching Book Tours conjured a collection of delicious potions inspired by their books and characters. 

Grab your wand (or spoon) and cast one of these spellbinding recipes today.

Free at Amazon September 15-19 

Includes recipes by Sharon Baylis , Ami Blackwelder , Cassandra Lawson , Susannah Sandlin, Cherrie Mack , Maggie Mundy , Suzanne Johnson , Katalina Leon , Kay Dee Royal ,
 Sophie Avett , Elizabeth Loraine , G.L. Ross  , T.W. Kirchner ,  Roxanne Rhoads  

Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Time to Think About Halloween Book Promotions

Halloween is 96 days away!

That means you only have less than 45 days until you should start heavily promoting anything Halloween related- especially books with Halloween themes, paranormal settings, supernatural elements and horrifying stories. 

The stores are already putting out Halloween decor. You should be planning your Halloween season promotions.

September and October are hot sales times for paranormal romance, urban fantasy, horror, paranormal erotica, and cozy mysteries with paranormal elements.

Bewitching Book Tours is offering a fun Halloween Themed Book Tour option open to all authors who have a book featuring supernatural characters, terrifying tales, haunted homes, wicked or wonderful witches, vampires, werewolves, demons and more. 

This is a Halloween tour option, not a group event where your book could get lost in the crowd of other books. 

This special tour package offers authors individual tours combined with the cross promotion of an overall Halloween event, a group Rafflecopter, and a group facebook party.  Yes, each author receives their own Halloween themed tour during Bewitching Book Tours’ Haunted Halloween Spooktacular from September 18- October 31.

Each participating author will receive:

* 1 1/2 month Halloween Theme Virtual Book Tour (retail value $235) 
* Custom tour banners
* Professional media kit
* Option to offer review copies
* Group rafflecopter for cross promo
* Time slot in Halloween Facebook Party

There will be one group Rafflecopter for the event- this will offer a giveaway sponsored by Night Owl Reviews in addition to one item each author wishes to giveaway (optional). Each author can have 3 entry options on the rafflecopter- newsletter sign up, Twitter, and Facebook.

In October there will be a multi-author Facebook party for all Spooktacular Authors. (Retail value $10 per author)

Total retail value for this event is $245, sign up now and get it for just $100

To participate you’ll need to provide details for one book you wish to promote including a high resolution jpeg of your cover and an excerpt. 

You’ll also need to provide a Halloween theme guest blog( which can be recipes, music playlists, costume ideas or DIY tutorial, etc- anything Halloween related), short Halloween flash fiction story, or a Halloween poem. (you may submit 2 of these items)

For the Facebook Party you’ll need quizzes, games and a few small prizes for your author party block (ebooks, $5 gift cards, etc).

The early bird fee for this promotion is $100 per author for one book. If you wish to promote additional books each additional book is $50.

Price goes up to $150 per author August 1.

This event has a limited number of spaces available. Payment is required at time of sign up to reserve your space.

Sign Up Here:

Want Halloween promotion without the group events? Sign up for a Spellbinding Special Tour Package for the month of October tour for just $125 (retail value $145) Sign up here: use code HALLOWEEN2017

Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Bewitching Book Tours Haunted Halloween Spooktacular

Bewitching Book Tours is offering a fun Halloween Themed Book Tour option open to all authors who have a book featuring supernatural characters, terrifying tales, haunted homes, wicked or wonderful witches, vampires, werewolves, demons and more. 

If your book features Halloween, has paranormal elements, spooky settings, or is a terrifying tale of horror join us for Bewitching Book Tours’ Haunted Halloween Spooktacular September 18- October 31.

This special tour package offers authors individual tours combined with the cross promotion of an overall Halloween event, a group Rafflecopter, and a group facebook party.

Each participating author will receive:

* 1 1/2 month Halloween Theme Virtual Book Tour (retail value $235) 
* Custom tour banners
* Professional media kit
* Option to offer review copies

There will be one group Rafflecopter for the event- this will offer a giveaway sponsored by Night Owl Reviews in addition to one item each author wishes to giveaway (optional). Each author can have 3 entry options on the rafflecopter- newsletter sign up, Twitter, and Facebook.

In October there will be a multi-author Facebook party for all Spooktacular Authors. (Retail value $10 per author)

To participate you’ll need to provide details for one book you wish to promote including a high resolution jpeg of your cover and an excerpt. 

You’ll also need to provide a Halloween theme guest blog( which can be recipes, music playlists, costume ideas or DIY tutorial, etc- anything Halloween related), short Halloween flash fiction story, or a Halloween poem. (you may submit 2 of these items)

For the Facebook Party you’ll need quizzes, games and a few small prizes for your author party block (ebooks, $5 gift cards, etc).

The early bird fee for this promotion is $100 per author for one book. If you wish to promote additional books each additional book is $50.

Price goes up to $150 per author August 1.

This event has a limited number of spaces available. Payment is required at time of sign up to reserve your space.

Sign Up Here:

Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Please Support Bewitching's Newest Thunderclap

Please Support Bewitching's Newest Thunderclap

Through Her Eyes, The Mind’s Eye Series Book Four, By Deborah Camp

Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Bewitching Book Tour Bundles

Introducing Limited Time Bewitching Book Tour Bundles

Have a book you want to promote heavily? Or do you have multiple books you need to promote? 

Check out our bundled deals.

Bundle 2 and 3 are perfect for authors with a couple new releases coming up or for Publishers who have multiple books to promote.

Buy the bundle now, use them anytime. 

Bundle deals do not expire, but your chance to purchase them does.

Bundles will only be available to purchase until August 1.

You must use codes BUNDLE1, BUNDLE2, or BUNDLE3 to receive bundle pricing

Not available with any other offer or special pricing

Sign up here:

Bundle up and receive big discounts on Bewitching services

Bundle 1 features a cover reveal, release day blitz and one month tour for just $180

Bundle 2 features 2 release day blitzes, 2 two week tours, and 2 newsletter blasts for only $240

Bundle 3 features 3 release day blitzes, 3 two week tours, and 3 newsletter blasts

You can use the bundled services on one book or split them up for multiple books. 

One month advance booking still applies. Which means if you want to tour September 1 you would need to schedule it by August 1.

Monday, May 1, 2017

Here's a sneak peek at the boxes of goodies

Bewitching Book Tours is giving away 2 boxes full of mystery books.

I'm cleaning off my bookshelves and you get to reap the rewards. Many of the books are review copies- some are ARCs. Some are new, some are several years old. 

All have been read so these are not brand new books. But if you are a booklover that doesn't really matter does it?

One box is full of paranormals- urban fantasy, paranormal romance, fantasy romance. It also contains some swag- Fang-tastic Books bumper sticker, Bewitching Book Tours notepad, bookmark, etc.

The other box is full of steamy hot erotica and erotic romance- also contains some fun swag including a black leather(ish) flogger and a feather tickler.